Saturday, September 04, 2010

A Ship in the harbor is safe.. But that is not what ships are made for :)

Before I come to the subject of the post, let me just say that our mind works in mysterious (and wonderful) ways (well.. atleast mine does).

I make connections with things that I see/hear to things that I've seen/heard before in such an odd way that it sometimes surprises me.

Last night I discovered that the Dubai Creek is not far away form where I live (yes I am still exploring) so I went there and the sea had an amazing calming effect on me. I opted to take the boat ride instead of catching a bus or metro to go to the other side of the sea (now you know why I have that subject, somehow my mind made the connection of a boat with that quote). It just cost one dirham but the experience was worth a thousand. There I was sitting in this little boat, slowly taking hitch-kolay (couldn't find a better word in English) in the sea. There was a slight breeze and the water had a slight current as well so even when the engine was off, it was nice to just sit in that rocking boat.

It seemed as if the sea was calling me, whispering to me to come in to its arms, let go of all my worries and just slide in to the warm calming water (I know it sounds scary and suicidal but trust me the thought never crossed my mind). I have always loved the sea and I was glad that yesterday I went there. I just sat in the rocking boat and looked at the water. Believe me, it was very thera-pathetic therapeutic.

My friend's roommate is going to Pakistan on Eid and he wanted to go buy stuff for his wife and daughter (Don't be surprised, he's 50+ and my friend's uncle as well as his roommate). The thing I hate about going shopping with people is when they ask you "Yaar, yeh kaisa lug raha hay" while holding up a female suit. I mean come on people, I've never shopped for females. I only found out yesterday that there are three piece suits for ladies as well (which, by the way. is the qameez, shalwar and dupatta. And yes, I had only heard of men's three piece suits before that :P)

[I know this is turning out to be another random post but kia karsaktay hain :P. Also the below will make little sense to almost everyone so you can close the browser window/tab now if you want :)]

Oh yes, I wanted to thank this new friend that I've made. This person made my last week memorable and gave me many reasons to smile/laugh about [which always makes me grateful :)]. I learned things from this person and this perosn made me look at things in a new light [NO!, this person did not give me a torch to look at things in a new light :P]. Thank YOU for everything. I am sure that 40-50 years down the road I might forget you but I will most certainly never forget (some of) your dialogues and two of my favourite quotes, "Apna khayal rakhna" and "Brush kar kay soona [changed due to obvious reasons :P]"

[If you people are still reading and haven't listened to what I said (as usual :P) then please continue]

It is the 25th of Ramadan here. I can't believe that this blessed month is passing so quickly. It seems yesterday that I was thinking that there are just 4-5 days for Ramadan to start; and now it's just 4-5 days to Eid. I have no idea what I will do for Eid this year. [Pata nahin siwaiyaan milain gi ya nahin :( ]

Anyways, take lotsa care people. Keep smiling and keep blogging :)



*Dulce* said...

I loved the way you worded your experience at the sea....really some experiences are amazing. Glad you are enjoying yourself in Dubai. :)

SHA said...

Yes, I didn't recognize you and yes, I do have a lot of ex-friends.

But I am curious now as to who you are and what the reason was for you to become an ex-friend.


 As always, this will be a random post. But will revolve around me ranting talking about my work. Have you ever looked at someone at your w...