Can't believe that already a month has passed since I left my beloved city Karachi. However, for some reason I did not feel sad, neither did I feel excited. It was as if I was numb, don't know why though. Haven't figured it out yet.
So I landed in Dubai on in end of May. I had already asked a friend to pick me from the airport. Dubai's airport is huge. There seem to be a lot of terminals. You could easily get lost there :p So my friend picked me up and we caught a taxi to go to Sharjah where he lived. It took us 2.5 hours to get there!!! And then I realized that that is how long it usually takes in rush hour to get from Dubai to Sharjah. I lived with my friend for 2-3 weeks, until I could find a place of my own and you wouldn't believe what my timetable was there. I woke up at 0400hrs (yes that means 4:00 a.m. in the morning!!). I mean even the birds hadn't woken up till then :p Would get ready to catch the bus at 0530hrs. It was a pleasant 5-7 minute walk from the house to the bus stop. (OF course it was pleasant, what do you expect the weather to be like at 0530hrs?? :p) (Its so surprising that buses don't stop wherever you want, just like they did back home, it was so convenient back home :p). Took the bus to the Rashidiya metro station. [Metro is the local train in Dubai (Lolzz, it seem so odd to call it a local train because karachi's local train comes to mind :p)] That is in Dubai and that is where the metro line starts. So I caught that train to my destination station, which took around an hour and I reached office by 0800hrs. Had breakfast and then started work by 0900hrs. (Noo, I do not eat for an HOUR!!. I just sat there looking around for the rest of the time :p) The ride back was the same, first the metro to Rashidiya and then a bus to Sharjah. Reached home by 2100hrs (Yes, that means 9:00 p.m. at night :( ). And was too tired to do anything so went to sleep.
But now by the grace of Allah, I have shifted to Dubai alhamdolillah. Wake up at 0630hrs, leave home by 0715, walk 7-10 mins to the metro station, catch the metro and reach office by 0800. Have breakfast, start work at 0900hrs and I'm home by 1800hrs. Have been reading a lot these days since I have so much time on my hands. Read a few books of Ludlum and now a colleague has given me Ken Follett books which are quite good. I'm trying to find a place to learn swimming as that is something I have always wanted to do. Let me know if anyone of you know of such a place in Dubai.
Life here is very fast and people have no time on their hands. So if you see a (not so) young guy, taking his time to stroll on the metro station or on the streets (looking as if he has nothing else to do :p), then you can be sure that it's me because I have not seen anyone else who walks slower than me :p (By the way , I walk slow because I want to, not because I have to).
That's it for today friends, I guess I might blog more since I have so much time on my hands but cant blog from home because don't have a lappy (read laptop) at home yet, planning to buy one, probably in August, lets see.
Take lotsa care, keep smiling and keep blogging :)
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Wednesday, June 30, 2010
High life in Dubai
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As always, this will be a random post. But will revolve around me ranting talking about my work. Have you ever looked at someone at your w...
This post is just to say how thankful I am to Allah for everything. Allah has been there whenever I've called for Him and alhamdolillah ...
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aaawww its always fun to read ur posts :D
so u moved to Dubai thats awsome atleast not u dont hav to torture urself by getting up before birds wakeup ( sharam karo birds say mukablah kartay ho ) lollll
i wana know hows ur cooking coming along LOL ... that should b ur nxt post ;) and post some pics of ur place....n ur office or metro :D would love to see Dubai
and as for swimming.... u would love it.... i know a place but too bad its in canada LOL not in dubai ;)
get a lappy so we can chat :)
Ok!FINALLY U got settle down,it seems birds have pray for u warna aap un ko compare karte rehte
when will u do ur work beside strolling here and there.
kaam bhi kar leen;)
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