Can't believe that already a month has passed since I left my beloved city Karachi. However, for some reason I did not feel sad, neither did I feel excited. It was as if I was numb, don't know why though. Haven't figured it out yet.
So I landed in Dubai on in end of May. I had already asked a friend to pick me from the airport. Dubai's airport is huge. There seem to be a lot of terminals. You could easily get lost there :p So my friend picked me up and we caught a taxi to go to Sharjah where he lived. It took us 2.5 hours to get there!!! And then I realized that that is how long it usually takes in rush hour to get from Dubai to Sharjah. I lived with my friend for 2-3 weeks, until I could find a place of my own and you wouldn't believe what my timetable was there. I woke up at 0400hrs (yes that means 4:00 a.m. in the morning!!). I mean even the birds hadn't woken up till then :p Would get ready to catch the bus at 0530hrs. It was a pleasant 5-7 minute walk from the house to the bus stop. (OF course it was pleasant, what do you expect the weather to be like at 0530hrs?? :p) (Its so surprising that buses don't stop wherever you want, just like they did back home, it was so convenient back home :p). Took the bus to the Rashidiya metro station. [Metro is the local train in Dubai (Lolzz, it seem so odd to call it a local train because karachi's local train comes to mind :p)] That is in Dubai and that is where the metro line starts. So I caught that train to my destination station, which took around an hour and I reached office by 0800hrs. Had breakfast and then started work by 0900hrs. (Noo, I do not eat for an HOUR!!. I just sat there looking around for the rest of the time :p) The ride back was the same, first the metro to Rashidiya and then a bus to Sharjah. Reached home by 2100hrs (Yes, that means 9:00 p.m. at night :( ). And was too tired to do anything so went to sleep.
But now by the grace of Allah, I have shifted to Dubai alhamdolillah. Wake up at 0630hrs, leave home by 0715, walk 7-10 mins to the metro station, catch the metro and reach office by 0800. Have breakfast, start work at 0900hrs and I'm home by 1800hrs. Have been reading a lot these days since I have so much time on my hands. Read a few books of Ludlum and now a colleague has given me Ken Follett books which are quite good. I'm trying to find a place to learn swimming as that is something I have always wanted to do. Let me know if anyone of you know of such a place in Dubai.
Life here is very fast and people have no time on their hands. So if you see a (not so) young guy, taking his time to stroll on the metro station or on the streets (looking as if he has nothing else to do :p), then you can be sure that it's me because I have not seen anyone else who walks slower than me :p (By the way , I walk slow because I want to, not because I have to).
That's it for today friends, I guess I might blog more since I have so much time on my hands but cant blog from home because don't have a lappy (read laptop) at home yet, planning to buy one, probably in August, lets see.
Take lotsa care, keep smiling and keep blogging :)
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Wednesday, June 30, 2010
High life in Dubai
Monday, June 28, 2010
Yes, I am talking about mirchi or chilli or spice, whatever you want to call it. The food here is very good alhamdolillah but I miss the spicy food of Pakistan, where the cook puts in so much spice that a normal person is bound to run to the loo within 5 minutes of finishing his meal. But not us karachites (I hope I spelled that right), right??
Whenever I tell someone that food here is not spicy, they look at me in a very odd way (like when you look at the" genius" of the class who tells you that the exam wasn't tough at all :P )
I've adjusted here alhamdolillah. Dubai isn't much different than Karachi. Well… except for the power cuts, the crowded buses, street crime, water shortage etc. etc. etc. But to tell you the truth, I sometimes miss that. When I board the clean, air-conditioned, uncrowded metro (in which most people do not smell that bad) I miss travelling in Karachi's bus. Clutching the door handle for your life and taking in the cool chilly air of Karachi's winters :D
Two things that are very different here. One is the food. You'll find anything and everything to eat here but amma kay haath kay parathay ka maza kahin nahin milay ga :( Also, you would have guessed, the food isn't as spicy.
Secondly, the cars come from the wrong side of the road. I mean come on people, at least warn the newcomer. There I am (lost in the thoughts of "someone" :P ) and planning to cross the road. I look towards my right and there are no cars coming so I decide to cross. However, living in Karachi has taught me many things (one of them is to look at both sides of the road even if it's a one way road :P )and just as a precaution, I look to the left as well. And whooooosh!!!! There goes this black Ford GT almost taking me with it. Then I realize that cars drive on the other side!!! (duh!!)
Oh yes, one more thing. For some crazy reason, people think that it's hot here. And as I said before, they still look at me "oddly" when I say that the weather is great :D (Of course it's great. After going through power failures that lasted for more than 12 hours with the temperature being 46-48 in Karachi, Dubai's weather feels like a pleasant summer :P ). However, as friend very aptly puts it, "Dil ka mausam acha ho to hur mausam accha lugta hay gee". So maybe that's the case :P
Anyways friends, time to leave. Take care of yourselves, keep smiling and keep blogging :)
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Sunday, June 06, 2010
Rain... or not
I'm sure my audience (or what's left of it :p) is expecting a post on rain since Karachi is flooded with showers these days with no electricity, the streets are flooded, schools and offices are closed and what not but can't post much because… Yesterday I completed my very first week in The first week at work went well alhamdolillah. The people here are nice and very cooperative. I'm living with a friend in Sharjah these days and trying to find accommodation before he throws me out (for overstaying my welcome). Need lots of prayers my friends. Sharjah is very similar to Will post some pictures soon of the Dubai Mall Fountain, Burj Khalifa (from outside coz it costs 400 AED to go in!!!), Burj-ul-Arab (obviously from the outside and from far away :p) and last but not the least, the aquarium tunnel inside the Dubai Mall. The last one is the most amazing. They have more than 300 sharks inside the aquarium and they say that the sharks don't eat the other fish because they are fed at 1600hrs every day and are always full (which kinda seems impossible, how do they find 300 sharks in that large aquarium and feed them???) Anyways, if you're planning to visit Take care friends, stay happy, keep smiling and keep blogging.
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