Thursday, December 31, 2009
So much happened during the last year and when I look back, it really does seem as if a decade has passed by. This year had its share of happiness and sorrows and I would say that "Aal izz well" that ends well :P
The year went by well, alhamdolillah and I have no complains.
Please pray that 2010 brings happiness, prosperity and peace in our lives and for our country and makes us better Muslims, ameen
Wishing all of you a very happy and prosperous new year, full of happiness and peace :)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Ouch and Future Ouch!!! :(
During my yearly check-up, my doc told me that I probably might need two fillings in my teeth. And when I asked him if it would be painful, he said "No, no, Not at all" (liar!). so I went to this dentist. Young cute girl about my age but with tools that would make you run away even if she's half a mile away :P
After an inspection and a X-ray, she tells me that one of my tooth might require a root canal (OMG!!) and the other is a simple(??) case of extraction. And she gives me an appointment of the dental SURGEON.
Let me tell you something friends, a trip to the dentist is like one to a haunted house. People of any age are afraid to go there and so was I :S
So he begins with another inspection and then gives me two choices. Cleaning and then root canal or root canal then cleaning. He said the extraction wasn't necessary if the tooth wasn't hurting me (and to my convenience, it wasn't :D Seriously, I didn't lie, it really isn't hurting :P)
I told him that I wanted the less painful stuff to be done first and he started with cleaning but when he took out the looong syringe with the mile long fat thick needle, I almost jumped off the chair. Isn't it ironic that you put anesthesia in such a dreadful tool. It should be in a toffee or chocolate, you chew it and your mouth is numb :)
He gave me eight shots in my gums and they hurt really really bad. Allah dushman ko bhi dentist say bachayay, ameen :)
It took around 45 minutes and I came out with a half numb mouth, feeling stupid but with pearly white teeth :) (and the teeth even shine when I smile, just like on TV :P)
The root canal is scheduled for January 1, 2010 so my year is kinda starting with an ouch :P Do pray for me people that it goes well.
On a different note, I was reading something about a not so practicing Muslim who became a practicing one and there was one thing he said that I really liked. He said that there were times when he would offer Salat and then there were times when he wouldn't but there was thing that he didn't let go and that was the company of good Muslims because that influenced his thoughts a lot. May Allah bless us with the company of good Muslims and guide us towards the right path, ameen :)
It seems like ages since I last blogged and although I started with the thought that I would write a lot today, I think I shouldn't. a very happy and belated Eid-ul-Azha mubarak to everyone. And a happy new year to all as well (Muharram 1st just passed by). May Allah make this year a more successful and more peaceful one for everyone, ameen.
My commenting system is shutting down from January so was playing around with it for a while and have somehow managed to bring back Blogger comments but don't know if it's stable. I'm on the look out for a good commenting system and a good rain themed template. Let me know if anyone spots one :)
Take lotsa care people. Keep smiling and keep blogging :)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Winter :)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
EID Mubarak
I woke up on Eid day and the weather was awesome, I felt happy for no reason. I sent out Eid messages/emails to all people on my contact list while lying in bed(thanks to my BB) and then finally decided to get up for a shower.
And that is when I realized that no one had told me to hurry up. No one reminded me to get my topi while leaving for the mosque, no one gave me Eidi right after Eid namaz & no one told me to keep wearing my Eid shalwar kameez & not change back to my usual attire as we had to leave for the graveyard.
Regardless of the fact that I did all these things just as I did them last year, I missed being told, I miss my Father! Eid is usually the one time when everyone is at home & my Dad took his leaves near Eid and visited Pakistan. And now, ever since he passed away, Eid just doesn't feel like Eid anymore!
Over the years, I had started to avoid accepting Eidi from relatives and my Dad was the one who would make me do it. He was the only one who could make me do many things that I didn't when my mom told me. And now, I feel so grown up, I do things even when no one's there to tell me and at times, believe me, you feel as if it's still your age to be told things.
Cherish your time with your parents my fellow bloggers, you don't know when anyone's time is near.
I hope all of you had a happy, joyful & peaceful Eid and may Allah grant all of us even more, ameen.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Time flies by so quickly. And yes, that is exactly what it does, it "flies". You will never hear it walking or running, it "flies" and we seem to never know where it went.
The holy month of Ramadan is coming to its end. I can't believe that Eid-ul-Fitr is just around the corner. For some reason, I dunno why, but Eid always brings the feeling of happiness. Even when I am super bored on Eid day, I still feel happy. And this is not because Eid-ul-Fitr brings the much awaited Eidi with it (when else can you squeeze money out of your most Kan-juicest (miser) relatives : P) . I’ve been able to excuse myself from giving Eidi ever since a friend told me that Eidi is only given by people who’re married. So now on every Eid, my younger cousins pray that I get married so that they can get Eidi. Neat na? :P
Life is going well alhamdolillah, nothing new to report and that is probably one of the reasons that I haven't been blogging.
In other news, I just turned 27 a couple of days ago. And let me tell you, it doesn’t feel any different. I feel the same as I felt when I was 26. I guess 27 isn't such a huge milestone. Maybe I'll be more conscious when I turn 30. However, it’s interesting to see what you can get on the internet on searching 27 years:
The 27 Club (A group of musicians who died at the ago of 27)
The War of 27 Years (War between Marathas and Mughals that lasted 27 years)
Jailed wrongly for 27 years (A person who was wrongly imprisoned for 27 years)
Anyways, I guess this is about it for today. I’m almost about to finish a book recommended by a friend. It’s an excellent book and a must read. The title is Peer-e-Kamil. Hopefully, I’ll be posting a review in my next post, let’s see. Till then, take care, keep smiling and keep blogging :)
Monday, August 31, 2009
That something is my city Karachi, the feeling of being home, the feeling of belonging, the feeling of freedom. Rain falling on the charcoal roads of Karachi looks better to me than rain falling over here.
They say that home is where the heart is and my heart is definitely in Karachi (these days :P) Oh how I miss home and I'm still here a week abhi. My city is my city, Karachi is Karachi. Today when I got calls/msgs from friends telling me that it was raining in Karachi, I missed my city a lot. (I know all of you called me to tease me knowing that I love rain). According to the weather forecast, its going to rain the next three days as well, I wish it rains when I come back :)
I pray that it rains and brings prosperity to all and the rains pass by leaving everyone safe and happy, ameen :)
It seems like ages since I had home made pakoray, cholay etc. I've never felt homesick before. I guess that since this is the first time I'm away from home in Ramadan that's why I feel like this.
I salute all those who live away from home because of their responsibilities. It really is a tough thing to do. May Allah give them courage and help them to come back home safely & quickly, ameen :)
Take lotsa care friends and remember me in your prayers when possible :)
Thursday, August 27, 2009
And another random post :P
I heard this somewhere and it made me think. Is this really the point where we have come to? Is this really what we have become?
Is the choice between good and evil not there anymore? Are we to choose between the lesser of the two evils now? Is there no good left in the world?
Think about it? What are we doing about all the wrong that is happening around us? Its the holy month of Ramadan and I don't see any change in people or their attitudes. We are still backbiting, still lying and still being corrupt.
Change people, change yourselves. There is no specific time to start a good deed. If you're planning to do something good tomorrow, then do it today and now.
I pray that may Allah guide us all to the right path, ameen
Hope everyone's ramadan is going well. Its a 14 hour roza in Pakistan (still 4 hours to iftar but I'm already dreaming of pakoray and cholay :P)
Take care people, stay happy & keep blogging :)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Another Random Post!
Here I am, sitting alone in a hotel room, thinking all sorts of things. (As they say, khali dimagh is devil's workshop or is it farigh dimagh?)
And one of those things is, as the subject suggests, that this is going to be another random post :P
Firstly, my prayers go out to an ex-friend, may she have the best in life hamesha, ameen. I hope her life is on track to getting married, inshaAllah :)
Secondly, I found out today that a very good blogger has come out of hibernation. This blogger is a doctor & is doing marvelous things for the less privileged but we never get to find out, partly because of her modesty and partly because it isn't reported. I hope and pray that the work continues and Allah rewards her & fills her life with happiness, ameen :)
Lastly and before I state this stupid thought, I would like to say that this is just another odd thing that has occured to me & I hope I would laugh at this when I look back at it after some time. This means that none of the readers are to give it a second thought and just ignore it.
Man is a social animal but I'm sure there are exceptions. I was just thinking that most of our reasons for happiness and for sadness, are people. What if we subtract that from the equation? A person just lives alone, prays alone, works in the jungle collecting fruits & vegetables for the day and that's it. No people interaction, no ways to get in to trouble, no ways to commit any sins and no ways to be sad about anything. Seems simple, doesn't it?
But it isn't. As I was writing the above, I had flashbacks of the moments of happiness that I've had, the moments when my friends have been there for me, the moments that make life what it is. And now I'm wondering why I wrote the above. Man really is a social animal, can't do anything about it.
I guess we are built to care for others, to help others, to be happy when our loved ones are happy and to be sad when they're sad.
Wishing all of you the very best in life. May Allah grant us the courage to walk the right path and fill our life with happiness, ameen
Take lotsa care friends and keep blogging :)
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Ramadan Mubarak
Friday, August 14, 2009
Independence Day
Friday, July 31, 2009
Another random post :)
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Busy busy
The tough schedule came with few hours of sleep a night and sometimes none at all. And it has gifted me with a sore throat, a voice I can't recognize and a slight fever.
But I think its worth it. I learned new things, I found new things about some people and experiencing last week is something that I'm sure I won't forget for quite some time :)
Thank you everyone who was a part of it, it wouldn't have happened this way if it wasn't for all of you. And I mean it in both ways, good and bad.
I'm sure that anyone who is reading this post doesn't have a clue about what I'm writing about but I think that's how my posts usually are :P
Anyways, I hope all of you are having an exciting weekend & are not lying in bed, chillaxing like me :P
Take care friends, keep smiling & keep blogging :)
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Half over
And when I glance back, I don't think I have done or achieved anything significant in terms of deen or dunya. I'm not being ungrateful, alhamdolillah Allah has showered his blessing upon me. Its just that when I look back, I don't see anything that I have done to thank Him.
I was discussing this with a colleague and according to him he has done something in regard to both deen & dunya. He got married in the first half of this year and has thus achieved a milestone, according to him :P
Jokes apart, what are we really doing in terms of making this world and the hereafter better for us. We have the same old routine, home-school/job-home. We listen to Azaan as if the call for prayers is for someone else and don't pay attention to it. We become muslims every Friday and on Eid days & you can see the mosques flooding with people. Its so odd, isn't it?
Think about it people, half of the year has gone. Let's make the other half productive ( and by that I don't mean you go out and get married :P )
Take care, keep smiling & keep blogging :)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Down but not out!
I didn't get admission in the Masters program. They said that my Bachelors degree is already equivalent to a Masters degree and hence I can't take admission for a second Masters. The excuse is so lame that I just can't imagine what to do and that's the reason for me being low today :S
Yes, I'm a bit down but I'm not out. I have complete faith in Allah and I believe that everything happens for a reason and Allah surely has something better in store for me :)
Everything is going very well alhamdolillah. The weather of Karachi is really nice these days and it seems as it would rain. I remember that it rained on 20 July last year. Let's see when it rains this year.
Take care of yourself friends and remember me in your prayers :)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Khushboo ki tauqeer hamesha rehti hai
Khwaab to hain phir khwaab, bikhar hi jaate hain
Par khwaabon ki taabeer hamesha rehti hai
Rang to aksar ur jaate hain chehron se
Lafzon ki tasveer hamesha rehti hai
Tujh ko dekha hai to yeh mehsoos howa
Aankhon ki tehreer hamesha rehti hai
Dukh aur sukh hum baant to lain milkar jaana
Leikin ye taqdeer hamesha rehti hai
Kiya hota hai tinkon ka anjaam kaho
Phir bhi tadbeer hamesha rehti hai
Un dekhe kuch rishtay aise hote hain
Pairon mei zanjeer hamesha rehti hai
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
FLU :(
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Friends :)
I wrote the below post but did not publish it because I had a feeling that I had used the same subject before. And when I read my previous post, it made me laugh out loud :D
Lolzz, a smile comes to my face as I write the subject of this post :P
Anyways, I am thankful to Allah that even though I lose friends regularly, I also gain them as well.
Life is a bit hectic but going well alhamdolillah. Things are slowly getting in to focus and everyday is a new day for me :)
My cousin and old partner in shararats has come back to visit Karachi but I haven't been able to meet him yet because of my schedule. We spoke on the phone and were discussing Karachi's weather and he said that "Karachi main sirf do (2) mausam hotay hain. Either it's hot or it's VERY HOT!! " :P
That is so true. The heat has really gone to new levels this time and I've already started praying for rain. My advice to all of you is that drink lots of fluids these days and make onions a part of your diet. I've heard that it helps.
Please remember me in you prayers my friends :)
That's all for now, take care and keep blogging :)
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Friends :)
Monday, April 27, 2009
And to add to it, I have no one to share this with and for some reason I am glad because maybe I would have received the same from that friend too.
To the best of my knowledge, I know it was uncalled for and I had done nothing to deserve that from them.
May Allah solve all their problems and help them in this tough time, ameen
Sunday, March 08, 2009
100th Post
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
As always, this will be a random post. But will revolve around me ranting talking about my work. Have you ever looked at someone at your w...
This post is just to say how thankful I am to Allah for everything. Allah has been there whenever I've called for Him and alhamdolillah ...
I remember the names of my first friends. I probably made them when I was five or six years old. I don't remember their faces but rememb...
A year ends today, a decade since the new millennium! So much happened during the last year and when I look back, it really does seem as ...