Saturday, November 11, 2006

I'm back.. again :P

After many ermmm.. gentle reminders from my friend Zee, I'm back with yet another boring post :P
These days I'm really busy, unlike some people :P. NO, thankfully I'm not giving any exams but I pray for those who are going to have them. May all of you score really really good in your exams and pass with flying colors.
Nothing to write about these days, my routine has become so hectic that it's become hard to notice other things. The weather has changed though. It's really cold in the morning these days specially at 0500hrs. Yes I wake up at 5 a.m in the morning :P
Eid passed by, surprisingly my lil' cousins asked me for eidi this time. I mean it doesnt qualify a person to give eidi if he/she gets a job, does it ??? :P
Haan, if he/she gets married then its another case. So anyone who wants eidi, knows what to pray :P (and these are the words of a friend, not mine :P)
Although Eid-ul-Azha is a bit far away but people in our mohalla have brought bakras (I know its called goat but it doesnt just seem right :P ) and gayains :) and you can hear their errmmm sounds at night and during the day too :P
Thats all for today my friends, I hope it satisfies SOME people and they take the label of being... (dare i say it) "lazy" off from me :P
Take lots and lots of care friends, dont eat out these days with the fever spreading, eat healthy foods and save some for me too :P


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