It started to rain really heavily around 4, my office gets off at 5, I left the office with another colleague in his car and we had 3 other colleagues with us who lived on the same route. When we came on the main road, there was so much water and it was raining so heavily that believe me it was impossible to see what’s just two feet away. The journey to my home from my office usually takes around 2 to 2.5 hours. I’m a bit bad with names of places and addresses so I actually don’t know which route we took, but whichever way we went, the only thing that was visible was water.
After traveling for about 2.5 hours we had completed 25% of the journey & that is when we had the adventure of our life. We took a seemingly right turn, which turned out to be very very wrong. Water started to fill in from under the doors of the car and we were sitting in waist deep water in the car and then the car’s engine stopped. Three of us jumped out of the window because we couldn’t open the doors as more water would have poured in. We then started pushing the car, which was floating actually and we were in about waist deep water while we were doing this.
The main danger to us at that time was of broken electricity cables, because we did hear that people got electrocuted in the same area, where we were pushing the car. The other seemingly less dangerous thing was the danger of open manholes & while pushing the car we were also hanging on to it incase anyone of us dropped in one.
I don’t know how to tell you this but it was nothing short of a miracle that the car started afterwards and if anyone saw a car in which 3 people were using glasses to throw water outside from the car then that was us :)
We decided to go to another colleague’s house near our office, we got there at 11, stayed the night there and I got home at 7 in the morning today. You can imagine how high the tide was by the following picture that I took from my cell during the journey (the lightning was bad and don’t u dare say anything about my cell’s camera :D ) and yes this is a road, NOT a river.

And incase you were wondering, I still LOVE rain and I enjoyed myself yesterday :D
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