I was browsing diffrent blogs, passing through streets of blogistan and I noticed something. The habit or need of bloggers to chose an identity different from their name. I mean your name could'nt be that bad that you are afraid to use it on your blog :) and I know that is definitely not the reason. The main reason is privacy. Where some people would happily put their names on their blogs to get recognition, some prefer to stay in the dark and blog. Afterall putting your name on your blog can make you available on certain Google search results. Most people I have seen use their initials as their nick. Take me for example, No not M.E., me as in I, no not I, I as in Saad, oh forget it :) You see it does get confusing sometimes. Consider the following
Suppose a friend from blogistan calls you up. F is friend & U is you
F: As salaam u alaikum. Is this U ?
U: Walaikum as salaam. Yes this is me. Who are U ?
F: No, I'm not U, I'm G.
U: Oh Gee. How are U ?
F: No, I'm not Gee, I'm Geee
U: Oh so you are Geee. Which one. Geee M or Geee H or just Geee
F: None of these. I'm just Geee.
U: Oh J(ust) G(eee). How are you ?
F: No not JG, just simple G
U: Yaar this is getting seriously confusing, just stick to blogistan and leave a comment or do a post and I'll find out who you really are.
F: Good idea. Allah Hafiz
U: Allah Hafiz
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