I hope you read the title in Janice's voice because that's how I wrote it.
It's been 11 years since I last posted. Can't believe it. For a few years I had actually forgotten the password of this account. Got locked out of the email etc. etc. Even today, had to jump through quite a few hoops to gain back access to this.
Hmmm... Where to begin from. Well, starting from 2013 onwards till now: I'm married, have got kids and living the happy married life, alhumdolillah.
I think I got in touch on and off with blogger friends but haven't been in touch with anyone for sometime now.
I started and finished my master's degree. That was one awesome ride. Made friends who were at least 12-15 years younger than me. Felt young being around those young people. And they never made me feel old (not that I am old) :) )
What else, what else... Oh yes, COVID. I know we've all seen a lot about COVID during that time, but I think that period left a lasting impression on all of us. Some of us lost loved ones as well but I won't go there today.
I hope everyone is doing well and smiling. I do plan to post on and off, now that I have dusted off my typewriter :-P
Please take care everyone. And if you're one of the old readers, please do comment. it would mean a lot :)