Sunday, October 06, 2024


 Ajeeb mukaam par thehra hai qaafila zindagi ka

Sukoon dhoondne chale thay, neend bhi gawa baithay

That rings so true when you think about it. When you're young you feel like adults have it all. That's THE life. And so you can't wait to grow older and become an adult, thinking that that is what sukoon (peace) looks like.

Alas, and then you realize that that is definitely not the case. As they say, with great power comes great electricity bill responsibility. As you grow older, responsibilities pile up. You become part of the rat race and then there's no stopping.

Its only when you get hit with something like the pandemic, do you realize what life is about, what everything is all about.

The world, literally changed when COVID hit. I don't want to get into details because everyone experienced it, but now it feels like, we're slowly slipping back into the pre-COVID life. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, or if that is what "normal" is but it just feels different. I have begun to feel that we didn't learn anything from the pandemic. We're going back to our old selves. It might not be a bad thing but.. I don't know.

My mind is a scattered mess today. I thought posting would help me order my thoughts but I'm too distracted.

Take care people, until next time.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Oh My GOD!!!

I hope you read the title in Janice's voice because that's how I wrote it.

It's been 11 years since I last posted. Can't believe it. For a few years I had actually forgotten the password of this account. Got locked out of the email etc. etc. Even today, had to jump through quite a few hoops to gain back access to this.

Hmmm... Where to begin from. Well, starting from 2013 onwards till now: I'm married, have got kids and living the happy married life, alhumdolillah.

I think I got in touch on and off with blogger friends but haven't been in touch with anyone for sometime now.

I started and finished my master's degree. That was one awesome ride. Made friends who were at least 12-15 years younger than me. Felt young being around those young people. And they never made me feel old (not that I am old) :) )

What else, what else... Oh yes, COVID. I know we've all seen a lot about COVID during that time, but I think that period left a lasting impression on all of us. Some of us lost loved ones as well but I won't go there today.

I hope everyone is doing well and smiling. I do plan to post on and off, now that I have dusted off my typewriter :-P

Please take care everyone. And if you're one of the old readers, please do comment. it would mean a lot :)


 Ajeeb mukaam par thehra hai qaafila zindagi ka Sukoon dhoondne chale thay, neend bhi gawa baithay That rings so true when you think about i...