Sunday, May 24, 2009
FLU :(
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Friends :)
I wrote the below post but did not publish it because I had a feeling that I had used the same subject before. And when I read my previous post, it made me laugh out loud :D
Lolzz, a smile comes to my face as I write the subject of this post :P
Anyways, I am thankful to Allah that even though I lose friends regularly, I also gain them as well.
Life is a bit hectic but going well alhamdolillah. Things are slowly getting in to focus and everyday is a new day for me :)
My cousin and old partner in shararats has come back to visit Karachi but I haven't been able to meet him yet because of my schedule. We spoke on the phone and were discussing Karachi's weather and he said that "Karachi main sirf do (2) mausam hotay hain. Either it's hot or it's VERY HOT!! " :P
That is so true. The heat has really gone to new levels this time and I've already started praying for rain. My advice to all of you is that drink lots of fluids these days and make onions a part of your diet. I've heard that it helps.
Please remember me in you prayers my friends :)
That's all for now, take care and keep blogging :)
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Friends :)
As always, this will be a random post. But will revolve around me ranting talking about my work. Have you ever looked at someone at your w...
This post is just to say how thankful I am to Allah for everything. Allah has been there whenever I've called for Him and alhamdolillah ...
I remember the names of my first friends. I probably made them when I was five or six years old. I don't remember their faces but rememb...
A year ends today, a decade since the new millennium! So much happened during the last year and when I look back, it really does seem as ...