Sunday, September 16, 2007

Birthday Card

Who gives a card in this age of e-cards etc.
A friend gave this card and I just had to put it up, it's so nice :)
PS: The bit about cake and mithaee isn't true :p
PPS: And neither am I a look alike of sheeday :p
PPPS: And I'm NOT sweet :p

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Happy Birthday :)

I just noticed something, my posts are usually in the order of "rain", "me getting hurt", "my birthday" and then "Ramzan". (weird!!)

Anyways, as you might have guessed, it is my birthday today :)

Looking back at the twenty five years of my life, I would say that I have gained and lost a lot of people, things and friends. There have been times when it seemed really really difficult to be what I am and there have been times when I have been extremely happy (mashaAllah say)

I owe all the good times to the good people who surround me, to my friends, to the people who wish me every year, no matter what, to the people who have been there whenever I need them, to my family and friends :)

I know none of you will see this post and being the introvert person that I am, I might not be able to say this to you but I really am grateful when I say thank you.
This year the celebration was different. A dear friend and colleague emailed all staff to gather in the cafeteria at lunch time and brought a cake and well, it was a very very pleasant surprise. (and the cake was really delicious too :p)

I wish all of you happiness and ramzan mubarak. May all your prayers come true.

Keep smiling and keep blogging my friends :)

PS: Everyone who forgot my birthday, dont worry, I wont forget YOU :p
PPS: I know this post is very random but thats how I am :)


Ramzan Mubarak

Wish you a very blessed Ramadan Mubarak. May Allah bless you and your loved ones in this holy month from His gracious love and kindness by listening and accepting all your prayers and the doors of heaven be open for you and door of Hell be closed as He promised (Ameen).

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Ouch, ouch, oooouchh!!!

Why o why does it have to be a nail injury???? :s
I mean of all the things that could go wrong, of all the ways a guy could get hurt, why does it have to be a nail injury :(
I injured my right hand index finger nail and half of it was separated from the skin (I know it even pains to write and read this, imagine how it feels to experience it :( ). I have this big white bandage on my finger and it is paining a lot :( . Plus I'm typing funny because I'm not using my index finger and whenever by mistake I hit the keyboard with it, I press 3-4 keys at a time and my finger starts to hurt more.
I don't know whats up with my health, first the flu and now this. And although the flu has gone but I still have a bad throat and well... I pray that no one ever gets their nails injured and ever gets their throat as sore as mine, EVER (ameen)
Please pray for me friends, I am always in need of prayers.
Keep smiling and keep blogging :)



 As always, this will be a random post. But will revolve around me ranting talking about my work. Have you ever looked at someone at your w...