Arey, dont cry my faithful fans and visitors, what the title actually means is a trip to
University of
Karachi :P
Yup, yours truly went to KU to give my exam. I got off the bus at the main gate and started WALKING, walking, walking, walking and walking. Is the university big or what???
After a lot of walking, i came near the ISPA thingy where they have a telescope I think. There on the left side of the road was a sign that said
25 kms. Believe me I almost fainted. I was like who is going to walk
TWENTY FIVE kms but as I came near I saw that it said Speed Limit 25 kms :P (but it did look like that, seriously)
There is a lot of walking required to reach anywhere in the university and now I know why people who go there are so smart and slim and for those who arent, yes I agree with you, the samosas are REALLY delicious :P
Anyways I reached the venue and OH MY GOD, who in this world gives their exam in a tumboo (tent). I'm glad the weather wasnt bad. Fortunately my seat was in a class and I dont think they've heard of gaps between two candidates beacuse the seats were placed like they normally are placed in a class.
The paper ended and I came back home but this trip taught me a lot and being the good person that I am :P, i'll share them with you:
1) Reach the university well before time because you never know how much you will be required to WALK :P
2) Know where you are supposed to go in the university. If it had been not for my best friend, I would still be wandering inside the university, LOST :P (Shouldn't there be a map placed beside the road so that people know where every department is? ). And thank YOU so much for telling such an easy way to get to the venue my friend :)
3) If you're a i-dont-wear-a-watch-coz-my-cell-has-a-clock person, do wear a watch, because cell phones arent allowed and there isnt any clock in the class.
4) Pack a BIG water bottle, because the water that is available doesnt look okay, better yet, pack a cooler and food and a bedsheet, you can have a picnic later on in the botanical garden (and the garden is soo beautiful, its a must see)
5) Dont take G17 or G13 from university back home because both get stuck in traffic or bad roads.
6) This is much of a suggestion. I think they should start chair-lifts like the ones in Murree from the gate or from those two mountains on either sides (ISPA and the one in the botanical garden) to the end of the university (whereever it is). It sure would help everyone. And where did those buses vanish, last time I went there those buses went quite inside the university. By the way, has anyone seen the end wall of the university?? :P
Thats about it for today fellow bloggers. And yes one more thing. Yours truly will be at Karacih University on this Saturday, for another paper, so
everyone anyone someone (koi to hoga :P ) who wants an autograph, knows where to find me :P
Take care friends, keep smiling and keep blogging :)