Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Huppy Budday :)

Yup, its my huppy budday today and I'm really happy. To be wished by friends, to receive calls and smses in the middle of the night as soon as the date changed is a nice feeling specially when u receive a really nice sms from a very dear friend. And i quote "Thank u very much for all the advice and friendly warnings, just b the way u are, always". Made my day, err night, well u get the idea :)
Take care fellow bloggers and enjoy the virtual cake :)


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Brush up your spelling :)

Today was quite an interesting day. I was at the Dawn Spelling Bee today and it was very exciting. The children were so well prepared and the anticipation and enthusiasm on their faces was very exciting to see. Specially when it got to Sudden Death for the decision for second place :), that was quite tough. It was a great experience. I'd say do visit the competition and see for yourselves how talented these children are.
I know this seems like a very random and incomplete post but my internet is playing tricks and I want to post something before it dies completely :)
Take care and keep blogging.



 As always, this will be a random post. But will revolve around me ranting talking about my work. Have you ever looked at someone at your w...