I have come to the phase that a blogger hates most, the phase where you don't have anything to write about. You are sitting there staring at the monitor with an absoulutely blank mind. I dislike it when my favourite bloggers (the ones mentiones in the "I Visit" section) don't blog for long intervals. Visiting these blogs has become a part of my daily routine. I dont comment on some because they have blogger comments which take forever to load. Similiarly, I don't like it when I'm stuck here with nothing to blog about. But now as I have started writing and (luckily) the weekend has just passed, I'll talk about my weekend. I re-read Harry Potter 6. Please don't read the next paragraph as it contains spoilers. Start from the one after it.
First of all what was the need for killing Dumbledore. I mean is it necessary to always kill the person the readers like. First it was Cedric then Sirius and now Dumbledore. Why doesn't Snape die. Coming to Snape, which side is he on anyway and is Dumbledore really dead. The seventh book is really going to be a blast. And book six seemed more like a romantic novel than a childrens fiction book if you know what I mean.
Anyways a good weekend isn't complete for me without a good book and a good movie. I watched Shawshank Redemption. It is a great movie. A must see. I would say no movie could tell you more about not losing hope. A great movie indeed.
I watched The Matrix for the thousandth time maybe. And the same question came to me. What if we really are trapped in the matrix ? or what if we aren't ? Is there anyway of knowing ?
What started as nothing to write about came out to be quite something. (Must write more posts like these :).
PS : One more thing, I'm writing posts and comments in the most haphazard way possible. I think thats a phase too.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Saturday, August 20, 2005
I need some help regarding tariff rates of different service providers. No, I'm not buying a mobile connection, this is what you would say research. Anyways I want to know how much it costs if you call from PTCL to Mobilink, Ufone, Warid, Telenor, GO CDMA etc and vice versa. Plus I also want to know PTCL's rates for international calls, rates of calls made from Mobilink to Mobilink, from Ufone to Ufone and so on and their rates to call to other service providers. I also want to know how GO CDMA is going these days and would it be wise to shift from PTCL to any LDI or WLL provider. Being a I-live-on-the-internet kinda guy, I thought you people have the right to help me first before I go out and talk to people in person :). Anyways no pressure, if you can help, well and good otherwise no problem.
PS: I want these tariff rates in layman terms coz I never understood the tax thing and other hidden charges.
PS: I want these tariff rates in layman terms coz I never understood the tax thing and other hidden charges.
Monday, August 15, 2005
A new week begins today. I never liked Mondays that much when compared to Friday. The thought of getting up and starting yet another hectic week doesn't have the same charm it had when I was in school. Waking up on Monday, thinking of a long week ahead full of quizzes, assignments and other challenges life throws at you. Compare it to the good ol' school days when the most dreaded thing you could think of was homework which could be done from your school books & you didn't have to search the internet or go through the library, when you only went to the library in your library period and could read books like The Hardy Boys or The 3 Investigators without a care in the world. Where have those days gone ? Man I miss those days. When you could watch cartoons all day long on weekends without worrying for that big test on MONDAY or that big assignment due next week. When you could think of skipping school by just faking sick but now even if you are sick you go coz you have to or maybe coz you want to (NERD Alert!). You don't wanna miss uni coz of the workload that would pile up or maybe a quiz could be taken or maybe if you stayed home you wouldn't have anything better to do than to think what would be happening at the uni at this very moment. The weather was so good today that anyone would have wanted to skip his/her uni/job and go out, but life has something else in store for us. and everyone went with their routine life. I read somewhere that if we began to live life our own way then it would hurt a lot of people, that if we followed our heart instead of our brain then we would be happy but people around us won't be. It just depends on us, what matters to us more.
Anyways good luck to all of you and may this week and all other coming weeks bring all of us joy and happiness. Sweet Dreams and Happy Blogging.
Anyways good luck to all of you and may this week and all other coming weeks bring all of us joy and happiness. Sweet Dreams and Happy Blogging.
Sunday, August 14, 2005

JASHN-E-AZADI MUBARAK to all of you out there. May the coming years be good to Pakistan, bring even more prosperity to this country and to its people. May we set aside our differences and work together to make this country shine even brighter. May Allah bless this country always and forever.(Ameen). A very happy independence day to all of you.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Return of the King
No this isn't the Lord of the Rings. I just thought this title seemed catchy :). Anyways, as most of you know by now I didn't quit blogging and don't plan to. So here I am. Don't really have much to write about today. So lets start with the weather (the universal conversation starter). The weather today was as good as it could get. It rained a bit in the morning for like two hours. I watched "The Pirates of the Carribean" today and its a great movie. Go watch it. I read Harry Potter 6 last saturday and am dying to discuss it with someone who has read it. So go read that. I'm tagged to do an independence day post which inshaAllah I will do tomorrow. I think all of us should put up an independence post so I tag all of you to do one. Anyways baqi raavi chain hi chain likhta hai.
I would like to ask all those bloggers who don't have RSS to please put it up, coz it helps greatly in checking if someone has updated or not. I would also like to say that from now on, if my creativity fails me (or in other words I dont have a worthwhile comment), I would just write "SHA was here" to show that I did visit and I suggest you people do the same. It boosts up a bloggers confidence. So heres me signing out. Take care & Happy blogging.
I would like to ask all those bloggers who don't have RSS to please put it up, coz it helps greatly in checking if someone has updated or not. I would also like to say that from now on, if my creativity fails me (or in other words I dont have a worthwhile comment), I would just write "SHA was here" to show that I did visit and I suggest you people do the same. It boosts up a bloggers confidence. So heres me signing out. Take care & Happy blogging.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
The Last Post
Yes, you read it right. Today on this rainy day, I write my last post. Due to unknown reasons I have decided to discontinue blogging. And with a heavy heart I write this post. I have enjoyed every second of my short stay in Blogistan and I would be amazed if I am able to forget any part of it in the coming years. I have made new friends, friends I have never met, have never seen, have never talked to, yet they seem so close. I want to thank each and everyone of you for making my experience full of happy memories.
Spider ( formerly Spider.tm), the blog from where I started commenting.
G3 Tech News, the blog from where I started posting.
H., my inspiration to start a personal blog.
VL, whose posts have always made me laugh. She can lift your mood in a matter of seconds with her posts and comments.
NJ, the procrastinator.
Teeth Maestro, whose unique style of reporting news is unmatched.
UITians, a blog by my university fellows.
Gul, the flower of the world.
Shirazi, the master blogger.
I would also like to thank everyone who linked to me and who has mentioned me in any way on their blog. Thanks to Shirazi, PG, VL, NJ, Gul and everyone else.
Forgive me If I missed your name. I hate goodbyes, but I didn't want to leave without telling you guys.
Happy blogging people & remember me in your prayers.
Spider ( formerly Spider.tm), the blog from where I started commenting.
G3 Tech News, the blog from where I started posting.
H., my inspiration to start a personal blog.
VL, whose posts have always made me laugh. She can lift your mood in a matter of seconds with her posts and comments.
NJ, the procrastinator.
Teeth Maestro, whose unique style of reporting news is unmatched.
UITians, a blog by my university fellows.
Gul, the flower of the world.
Shirazi, the master blogger.
I would also like to thank everyone who linked to me and who has mentioned me in any way on their blog. Thanks to Shirazi, PG, VL, NJ, Gul and everyone else.
Forgive me If I missed your name. I hate goodbyes, but I didn't want to leave without telling you guys.
Happy blogging people & remember me in your prayers.
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This post is just to say how thankful I am to Allah for everything. Allah has been there whenever I've called for Him and alhamdolillah ...
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